Sunday, 21 April 2013

Pinkies Weekend in Birmingham!

I cant believe that this time last week I was getting myself ready for a day out in Birmingham.  I was off to join my fellow Pinkies, and attend the final day of the Pinkies Weekend that my lovely Upline Michelle Last had organised.

Catherine (a fellow Pinkie) had found a great venue in Birmingham that was very close to the Bull Ring shopping centre, so it was handy for everyone who had stayed over.  The BVSC Centre is definitely an ideal venue if anyone is considering organising a conference or venue in that area.

Anyway, there were some individual classes that you could attend if you wished, or you could just craft for the whole weekend.  The classes were held my Michelle, Nicky Dexter, Catherine Carroll and myself, and we each did a different themed class.

Michelle did the business talks, Nicky did a Big Shot Technique class, Catherine did a Blogging class and a Technique Keyring class and I specialised in Business Tools to help your SU Business (more information and photos to follow).
Here is Catherine Carroll - such a great teacher!!
Lovely attendees...
And of course the lovely Michelle Last!
Anyway, now onto the swaps!!  Swapping is a great part of the SU tradition, each event whether it be a Pinkies event or organised by Stampin Up, everyone has the opportunity to make a number of either card fronts or 3D items (all the same) and swap them with the other attendees, that way you get to bring home an array of ideas and techniques from other demonstrators.

This was my swap:-

And the back which contains the recipe of the items I used to make it:-

A very simple card, but when you have 20 of them to make, you need sometimes to make it quite simple as otherwise they can take forever ;o)

Hope you like it anyway?

Until next time.....

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